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Why?: Because You Get Paid to Smile and Serve Header banner 2
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Servicing the Customer

How do you define customer service?

I describe it simply: –pleasantly and efficiently assisting the consumers one serves.  I am hard pressed to think of any situation where that doesn’t apply, including the college search process which I am now embarking on with my eldest.  I am already judging the numerous institutions based on their websites and their varying approaches to offering information sessions, tours and such so that you can make an knowledgeable decision.  Why don’t they just post the tuition front and center on the main page and get it over with?

Here is the bottom line.  It doesn’t matter where you go to school in the long run.  What does matter is what you make of yourself after schooling.  That means, in large part, success will likely come when you chose a profession that you enjoy so much that it doesn’t feel like work.  With the exception of those future Picassos and Hemingways out there, chances are, those jobs that you happily bound out of bed for, will require being pleasant and efficient.

1 Comments on “Servicing the Customer”

  1. That’s so true, Martha!

    One of the secrets to a long happy career is finding one that is not a vocation, but an avocation. Love what you do and you’ll love doing it!

    PS. Good luck with the college search!

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Martha Humler

Martha Humler