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New Terminology – Same Importance

For those of you born way before 1975 like myself, ONBOARDING = NEW HIRE ORIENTATION. The issue is many companies are skimping on this important indoctrination.


Too busy? You hired an employee to lighten the load but that new hire will be ineffective without proper training.

Too costly? Think again. Surveys show that twenty five to thirty one percent of new hires leave a job before or by the first six months due to lack of training and/or unclear guidelines as to job responsibilities. What a waste of time and money on the employer’s part after the long and tedious recruitment phase you just went through; advertising and posting, sifting through resumes, phone interviews, face to face interviews, narrowing down the pool, final interviews leading to an offer and hiring negotiations. Whew! I am tired just thinking of the efforts needed to fill a job opening.

Please rethink your new hire orientation practices, people! Without extensive onboarding, you could be setting them up to fail right out of the gate. Consider it nothing more than a very important continuation to the already expensive and time-consuming recruitment process you have just completed to obtain the new hire. It CAN be done and your new hires will thank you for it.

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Martha Humler

Martha Humler