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Why?: Because You Get Paid to Smile and Serve Header banner 2
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It CAN Be Done!

One of my esteemed endorsers recommended WHY? to a business consultant.  Below is an email I recently received from her, minus the photo she sent! Best of luck, Kirsty, with your new contract.

Hi Martha,

Your book was really inspiring and had me smiling the whole way through. I felt like you were describing the exact same scenarios I have been in many times!

For the past ten years I have been working in training and development, as a specialist in communications and public speaking. I’d never previously considered expanding my training into the field of customer service. However, reading your book sparked an idea! I started to consider customer service training and ways that this could be delivered, taking staff on a journey to a whole new level of professionalism and exceed the customer’s expectations. You highlighted so clearly in your book how this can be done badly and inspired me to be part of the solution. Since finishing your book, I have started working with a significant international corporation to redevelop their staff and management teams for a new improved approach to customer service. I’m so grateful that your book gave insights and encouraged me to look at a different avenue to develop businesses.

On a side note: I have attached a photo of my experience from a hotel in Wellington, New Zealand in April last year. I arrived and found someone else’s underpants in my room. When I read chapter 24, I laughed to myself! If only they cleaned the rooms properly in that hotel!

Many thanks,

Kirsty Steel

Training and Development Specialist

M 021 120 8423   E  kirsty@develophq.com   W www.develophq.com   F www.facebook.com/develophq

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Martha Humler

Martha Humler